Overcoming Wrestling Anxiety
If you've found yourself locking up in wrestling matches, getting gassed too quickly, or not being offensive, you certainly aren't the first. Many wrestlers, including myself, have struggled to transfer their capabilities from the practice room to the competition mat.
If you struggle with pre-match jitters, you should start by asking yourself these questions:
Am I Scared to Lose?
If you are scared to lose a wrestling match, try to find out why. Remember why you joined wrestling and what your motivations for doing it are. It's ok to lose, and it should not affect who you are as a person. Wrestling is something that you do because you want to!
In my own career, I have struggled with this. I would think things like: "I work hard, so I deserve to win, right? If I don't, there must be something wrong with me." Wrong. Losing happens, and it does not define you. All you can do is enjoy the journey and keep looking to improve!
Am I Over-Thinking?
I am a notorious over-thinker, and it took me many years to realize that what I was thinking about before matches doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who the other guy is, what your record is, what school you are wrestling against, etc.
Control what you can control. Don't get overly hyped, tell yourself the right things, and only worry about your current position and how to work towards the next one. Don't let the score, crowd, hype, and all that distract you. Remember to breathe, try to relax, and enjoy the moment.
Am I Looking Too Far Ahead?
Also, remember that you can't win a match in the first minute. Many wrestlers shut down if they can't get to their moves or score points immediately. They feel an opponent that may be stronger than what they are used to and think that maybe they are under-prepared.
Have patience, stay relaxed, hold good positioning, and look for your openings. My coach used to tell me to "silence the separate thinker," meaning the little voice in your head that questions everything you do. Shut this voice up, focus, and only worry about getting to your very next move.
Overcoming wrestling anxiety
Did I Put the Right Food in My Body?
I'm not a nutritionist, but I do know that it takes trial and error to figure out which foods work best for you. Stay hydrated and make sure you have eaten— but also don't overdo it.
If you are managing your weight, make sure you are doing it correctly. View this post on cutting weight tips for wrestlers for more information on how to properly manage your weight.
Ultimately, it's up to you to figure out which of these issues is holding you back. Keep working hard, don't overthink, and trust in your ability!
Good luck.
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